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Alejandra and Daniel both began the study of dance at the age of 6, in folklore, classical, jazz and tango.

Their professional career took flight in the Argentinian National Folklore Ballet between 1991 and 1997, company which brought them on the most prestigious stages of Buenos Aires, such as Teatro Colon, Cervantes, San Martin, Luna Park.

From 1997 on they began working as a soloist master tango couple, touring the world ( Brasil, Mexico, USA, China, Russia, New Zeeland, Turkey, Japan, all of Europe) while in Buenos Aires continued performing in well-known tango stages such as La Ventana, Taconeando, Esquina Carlos Gardel, Hotel Faena ( Rojo Tango).

Between 1998 and 2001 were integral part of La Nueva Compania Tangueros under the direction of Mariachiara Micheli with whom participated in the most important dance festivals, among which was the Torino Fiat Centennial, and with an audience of thousands. They continued to tour Italy, Switzerland, USA.

Summer of 2002 brought them working in ‘Perfumes de Tango’ with Compania Tango x 2 directed by Miguel Angel Zotto.

In August 2003 they created their own company called Corporacion Tango. They took their company performing in many, many shows and all over the world.

In 2007 Corporacion Tango was elected best group choreography to perform at the World’s Championship Finals for the stage category in front of an audience of 5000 people.

In 2008 Alejandra and Daniel were selected as choreographers for the closing night of the World Tango Championship where they directed 20 dancers performing on live music by the Osvaldo Berlingieri Orchestra.

Also in 2008 they had a very successful season in the theatre El Cubo.

2009 was another busy and very successful year for Alejandra and Daniel, bringing them more career rewards: They arrive on the famous Avenida Corrientes, in Teatro Broadway with their show, “Vibraciones del Alma” where they performed for 5 consecutive months and received excellent reviews. They performed in a gala organized in the honor of Mrs. Christina Kirchner, President of Argentina. They were chosen by the CID UNESCO to represent tango as Intangible Patrimony of Humanity.

In 2010 and 2011 Alejandra and Daniel participated in the Festival International de Tango de Todi, Italia.

In December 2012 the Government of the city of Buenos Aires invited them to perform at the closing ceremony of the National Day of Tango, on a large stage, for an audience of several thousands.

During 2010, 2011, 2012 they toured extensively as masters of tango throughout Europe: Italy, France, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey.

Between October 2012 and March 2013 they had the ‘Farewell Season’ for their show Vibraciones del Alma in the Cultural Centre Borges, Buenos Aires.

In August 2013 the Government of the City of Buenos Aires celebrated them and paid them homage for 10 years of artistic trajectory of Corporación Tango. The celebrations concluded with a performance in Luna Park at the opening of the night for the World’sTango Finals.

In the year of 2015 and 2016 they were choreographers of the huge Government of Argentina Project Tango Federal.

In 2015 and 2017 Armenti and Juárez they were part of the most prestigious and official Tango Championship in United State of America, ATUSA, directed by Andrea Monti.

In the year of 2016 they created their second and original tango show called “Remembranzas of Corporación Tango”, and they presented it in different theaters in Buenos Aires during 2017 and 2018. 

In pandemic times 2020, they created the First International Teaching Study for Professional Dancers-Teachers recognized by International Dance Council of UNESCO, with the objetive of to teach and to prepare future generations of tango teachers by offering an International valid title of Tango Teachers. 

Corporacion Tango had the honor of been part of the International Dance Day celebrations in the year of 2019, 2020 and 2021, hired by National Dance Council of Argentina. 

This year, after the long involuntary stopping of pandemic, the Government of Buenos Aires hired them and Corporación Tango for making a special presentation in a great theater during the Tango Festival and World Tango Championship 2021.

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